One of the dirty little secrets of Typo development is that this blog has been running the same Typo snapshot for almost 9 months. I’ve added a lot of code to Typo, but I haven’t been eating my own dogfood. There are several reasons for this, but the biggest was my threaded comment patch from early last year. It wasn’t merged into the trunk, and over time my blog and the Typo trunk diverged to the point where it wasn’t really practical to merge them anymore.

I finally gave up today and ditched my threaded comment code. I’ll rewrite it for Typo 4.1.

The migration to the current Typo trunk was reasonably painless, but it took most of an hour. I have more content then most users, and I’m running on slower hardware, so an hour is probably the worst-case scenario.

Now that I’m on the trunk, it’ll be a lot easier for me to test out spam filtering techniques here before committing them for general consumption.

Let me know if you see anything broken.